Friday, September 12, 2008

live ike coverage from kristen "cooper" :)

When we discovered that Anderson Cooper was reporting LIVE from downtown Houston, Kristen and I responded well. At first we discussed the possibility of going downtown to meet him but after the realization that one of CNN's most renowned anchors was reporting to the world the news of this hurricane barreling down on our city the thought was quite sobering. (We weren't really going to go downtown.)

And at 11:22p.m. we lost power.

1 comment:

Keri said...

Imagine my surprise when I found out that a reporter working for Campbell Brown read my blog about Ike and contacted me for an interview.......WHAT??? Crazy!! I ended up getting bumped by the train wreck in LA, but he sent me the clip anyways.

Again, almost as good as meeting Anderson Cooper, but not quite!