Friday, October 17, 2008

word from andrew!

My youngest brother Andrew left for Ft. Lauderdale to sail around the world and follow his dreams after college graduation in early August. I blogged about it here. Since then, a lot has happened. He flew to Boston to meet a crew on a boat that is headed towards St. Croix. Today we heard from him - this is the latest:

"Hello all,
I only have about ten minutes to write right now before I have to catch a train. They let me know last minute that I have the afternoon off and I am headed into NYC to spend the afternoon. Being my family, you know that I have the tendency to romanticize things in my life and am sometimes disappointed. It seems that I have found a place and duty that was as I imagined it at the start. Last night, coming down Long Island we were taking waves over the bow of the ship. I was standing bow watch and was getting hammered. In the full moon and with salt water stinging in my eyes, I knew that I loved this. Before this we had whales diving under us and a submarine tailing us. This is such an outside the box job. I work hard and love what I do. I am taking my guitar to NYC to try and make some money. Wish me luck. Train is coming. Will right more later. Pictures are of what I look like now, us in dry dock and sailing through Cape Cod canal.


heather hub said...

amazing, just amazing!!!

Yannochka said...

Wow Liz, its so awesome your brother gets to do that. I am a little envious. I mean who doesn't want to travel around the world and see all of God's creation!

Super cool.