Friday, January 16, 2009

kinda freaking out.

I've been sitting at my desk this afternoon, trying to comprehend what is before me. My hands are kinda shaking and these emotions are washing over me like tidal waves, this last year of rigorous training behind me and yet... I feel ready. I'm really ready. And I feel so. incredibly. emotional. I'm running my first marathon on Sunday. I'm sniffling because I keep stumbling into that "holy smokes, really seriously, oh my Lord" cry, my shoulders shake, I turn up the music (Watermark, Purest Place) louder and deep breathe deep breathe. It's really here. This is the biggest thing I've ever aimed to accomplish.

And all those experiences along the way were simply prep for this next biggest thing.

All those times growing up being stuck in airports as a "non-rev kid" learning about stamina and endurance, learning to get through it. Suffering the heart ache of my parent's divorce, a broken engagement, the discouraging sudden loss of friends, being let go from what I thought was my dream job, struggling with finaces, being scared in the midst of a hurricane baring down on my house and so many other things were simply prep for this next biggest goal. He had purpose in all of the tough stuff.

And He had purpose in showing me those moments of complete exhilaration and loss of breathe from disbelief as well. Standing on top of mountains, sitting on the ocean floor in complete silent serenity looking towards the sky, graduating with a degree that moved me towards attaining my utmost dreams, starting my radio job at KSBJ, being on TV for the first time, experiencing love and JOY and overwhelming surges of gratitude for blessings in my life. All for this.

Each new big opportunity and experience has only been prepping ground, launching me to this place. And this one too, this is ALL for His GLORY. Praise be to God.


Anonymous said...

Praying for you this weekend! I know you're going to be great and finish strong. God is pretty darned amazing, hisn't He?

d.j. iverson said...

you were a non-rev kid too? that's amazing. a few hours of running should be nothing liz, Godspeed on your race!

Allison said...

Liz! I have been antsy all day (in a good/excited way) and I am only doing the half (hope to do the full next year- will KSBJ have another team?) It is so exciting to train and be empowered by the Lord and to use this temple he's given us for great things! It's going to be wonderful- thanks for your real encouragement- I know God has used you to encourage others, esp on the KSBJ team. -Allison

Stacey said...

You are going to do so well! I am so proud of you for all the training, for the commitment you have put into it. All of it will be well worth it when you cross that finish line! Whew... I am so excited for you. (and a little jealous)

Cindy Seay said...

Girl - your post just made me cry. I'm so proud of you. You are going to be awesome - YOU ARE READY!!!
I'll be praying! Love you!

Heidi said...

What a blessing it is to read your post and to see even in a marathon one can give glory to God! That's what it is all about!! Stay strong!

Natalie said...

I was listening to you online this afternoon as you talked about all the emotions you were feeling.

You're going to do AMAZING this weekend, Liz! And God is going to totally shine through you! I'm praying for you constantly this weekend!

Big hugs to you!