Friday, December 17, 2010

We're Having a Baby!

We've known for a few weeks now, and after a successful doctor's appointment last Monday we're in the clear to share the news with everyone! I'm just over 10 weeks along at this point and baby's due date is July 12th, the day after my brother David's birthday.

Here's our announcement from last night:

Liz Jordan Baby Announcement on KSBJ 12-16-2010 by donaldkilgore

And of course, gotta hear from papa on this one!

DK on Having a Baby by donaldkilgore


Connie Leon said...


SUCH A BLESSING!!!!!!!!!!!

Eva Hoskison said...

Congratulations, how exciting!! (ps I'm 10 weeks too - so fun!)

Amber said...

Congrats!! You and Dk will make great parents.

Will you have to get a new place now?

Unknown said...

OMG I am sooo excited for you!!!!!!!!!!!! Yay!!!

Leah said...

OMGOODNESS!! I am so excited for the two of you!! What a precious way to announce the GREAT news! CONGRATULATIONS!!


Elle Moore said...

I'm super duper excited for you! Awwww....tears. Happy ones!

Wheeler Family said...

So I have posted on here before about how wonderful married life it. I think that God gave us our spouse as a gift and that through them, so often, we are able to grow in God (and grow some "fruits" at the same time!!!)
BUT, what I didn't mention is that having a child together and being a mommy is equally just as wonderful. But being a mommy is indescribable! You love your spouse, but oh, the love for your children is amazing!!!! You are able to see glimpses of God through your children and how He loves us.

Well, all that to say: CONGRATULATIONS!!!!


LKH said...

Felicidades, Liz!

~Misty said...

I must tell you again, Congratulations!! I know you are busy, busy, especially with finding a house, but maybe you will find time to post belly pictures (if that's something you don't mind doing) and keeping everyone posted on how it is all going!

Have a wonderful and blessed day!