1. Kim made this birthday calendar for me last year for Christmas. It doesnt list the year, just the dates of everyone's birthday with beautiful photos of all the people I love.
2. Inspired by the Montrose fence posts, stop signs and door handles lovingly knitted by knitta please, I knitted the arm of my desk lamp.
3. I want to write a book and I've love to take my time, typing it on a real typewriter. I've been looking all over for the perfect one and just the other night I came home to find this one on my desk. DK surprised me.
4. A wedding day photo of David and Kim riding off on his moped taken by DK before we were even dating. One of my favorite photos of all time.
5. Fresh flowers. Mom always had fresh flowers around the house and so will I. (Irises are her favorite)
6. My computer. DK built it just for me and is where I blog, edit photos, videos, email, and order my iTunes.
7. Last time mom was in Houston, we went thrifting and found these adorable pink striped glasses for about 20 cents a piece. I drink my juice out of one every morning! (Matchy matchy everything is so snoozy boring anyway.)
8. I bought this mega paper clip because my papers, bills or whatevers needing immediate attention don't get much notice when lying flat on my desk. So I decided to put them in my face, in a super cute way.
9. I picked this awesome frame out of my dad's neighbor's trash, nailed an already perfect sized corkboard to the back and hung it up on the back of the shelves in our place, which is the wall to my desk. Does that make sense? (We don't have walls in our apt. so we have to use shelves and things to break up and define the space) Then I pin up all the evidence I collect to remind me of the cool stuff I've done recently.
10. Inspirations on my desk, my latest favorite is Ready Made magazine (thanks Steph). It's creative brain overload so watch out there, kids.
11. This is my pile of stuff I think I just shouldn't organize or try to fix because it's all useful. Video tapes we are transferring, nail polish, swirly paper clips, yarn and pushpins. My stuff, ya know.
Because... it's my space!
After reading this I went home to clear out my space. It feels SO much better than the clutter it was. Thanks for the motivation.
Your new header looks INCREDIBLE! I LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!
Liz! I love your colored keyboard. Where did you get it? Hope you're having a great great great day!
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